Texas A&M University Joins COPE

[Reprinted from the Texas A&M University announcement]
Libraries and Division of Research Create OAK Fund
Marketing and Communications | September 02, 2013
The Texas A&M University Libraries and the Division of Research have established a dedicated fund to support scholarly publication in the institutional repository. The OAK Fund will underwrite charges for scholarly journals and monographs according to guidelines and eligibility criteria set forth on the Libraries scholarly communication website.
The OAK Fund complements the OAK Trust, the Libraries’ institutional repository. Peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and scholarly monographs are eligible for funding.
For a minimum of two years, the OAK Fund will have a total allocation of $50,000 annually. This funding is made possible by shared contributions from the University Libraries and the Division of Research of $25,000 each. After two years, the program will be assessed for effectiveness. If successful, the program may be expanded.
The OAK Fund aims to encourage innovative models of scholarly publishing using digital and networking technologies, increase access to Texas A&M research and scholarship and assist faculty and researchers to publish in open-access (OA) venues, but may lack the funding sources to meet the OA publication charges. Each author may receive up to $3000 per year for all open access fees. Funding for qualified projects will be made on a first come-first served basis within the academic year.
“OA publications are an exciting option for faculty and the communication of research. Among other advantages, it expands the reach and visibility of the vital and rich contributions in research being made by A&M faculty. We’re especially pleased to partner with the Division of Research through the OAK Fund to promote scholarly publication using this innovative model. While the application process is straightforward, our librarians in the scholarly communication office are happy to assist with the process and answer questions regarding the guidelines,” explained David H. Carlson, dean of the University Libraries in announcing the OAK Fund initiative.
In approving the funding for the OAK Trust, Dr. Glen A. Laine, Interim Vice President for Research, commented, “The discovery and dissemination of knowledge is central to the mission of a tier one research institution. The OAK Fund will provide our academic and research community an additional peer-reviewed mechanism to communicate their findings.”
For questions or assistance with applications, email mailto:akfund@library.tamu.eduor call 979-862-1635.
For more information: contact Charlene Clark, Texas A&M University Libraries; 979.862.4233 or charleneclark@library.tamu.edu