FWF Austrian Science Fund supports COPE

[Reprinted from the FWF Austrian Science Fund announcement]
FWF supports an international Open Access initiative
The FWF supports the initiative "The Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity" (COPE) which requires that all scholarly publications should not only be freely available but also financially supported by research institutions and funding agencies.
> www.oacompact.org
Meanwhile, this initiative is supported by 13 Nobelists and a number of highly prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Cornell, Duke, MIT, Columbia, Berkeley, Wellcome Trust or CERN.
In line with this initiative, the FWF funds refereed Open Access publications of all disciplines in journals since 2004 as well as proceedings, collected volumes or books since 2009.
> www.fwf.ac.at/en/public_relations/oai/index.html
Dr. Falk Reckling